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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Reflection 12: Einstein and Kithari

Georges Perec wrote his 300 page novel "La Disparition" without ever using words including the letter "e." He clearly demonstrated a social phenomenon in art/literature: exclusion. Can you do that with music? I guess not. Once you take a note out of the whole composition, harmony is gone. If we are to derive meaning and purpose for our lives (which is not a biological need but rather a psychological one), then we derive that meaning and purpose from each other. Oddly enough, this depicts what Hlavin Kithari expresses on pages 82 and 83: "One must classify, compare, rank-- appreciate the inequalities so that the superb, the ordinary and the inferior may be known by their contrast." I guess at the end of the day, if we are all mere notes to a melody, we all give meaning to the whole. Or so we'd like to think. Maybe we are just delusional. Or, alternatively, we can NOT only think in these terms but set out to change reality to fit our thoughts/ideas:
 If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. ~Albert Einstein

However, can we really do that? I mean the song has no lyrics so there is hope for harmony not in the abstract sense but in its true definition. There is no possible way that we can frack Jana'ta and Runa system more with this music, or could we?

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