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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Manifest Destiny

(a blast from the past, I know)

I had always thought about Manifest Destiny in terms of American expansion to the Pacific Ocean. That's all, really. The amazing thing I learned from reading Stephanson's book is the nuanced manifestation of Manifest Destiny, and its extension into recent history. Now that I think about it, Manifest Destiny is not connected to any single era, but instead follows us through time, even as we change, from the pre-WWII isolationism to the push for global democracy. Something in every era just feels like Manifest Destiny.

What really strikes me is that we are by no means through with Manifest Destiny. The war in Iraq could certainly be framed as an attempt to export our American ideals where we can no longer expand our territory. Like the Puritans, we tend to look down upon the land outside our borders, but still expect the world to change around us in our image.

I really wonder what Carl Schmitt would think of Manifest Destiny. The Schmittian framework was outlined in relation to the Old World state system, "the dichotomous Other of the 'New.'" Does Schmitt's theory apply to a state so opposed to the Old? The stability characteristic of Europe does not seem to have extended to the United States. Yet another time where I would love to poll Schmitt. Too bad he's out of touch.

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